The Bureaucracy Game – Impossible to Complete..? (Article from

Reading time: Approx. 5 min.

The last weeks on the roads haven’t been the best for us.

WARNING: If you dream about dropping jobs and housing in your homecountry to travel around the world, do not read this article!

We have just had the first two months as full-time travelers in our little rolling camper home, and we have almost had the worst possible start of our trip: Stress, an unfair boss, loosing our job, infinite bureaucratic challenges with, among other things, tax, bank and insurance, disagreements between the two of us, a constipation, engine problems, bad weather, a lot of crying and frustration – and then last week … burglary in Turtle!
Not exactly something to write home about …

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Turbulent first month in Turtle (Article from

Reading time: Approx. 6 min.

We’ve spend our time in Austria,working and skiing.

When we waved goodbye to Aalborg a month ago and took off at the country roads in Northern Jutland with our noses facing South, we were expecting that we were now on our way to the adventure of our lives. From now on we wanted to turn down the pace and drive out and experience the world from our new home, the Red Volkswagen California from the 90s, “Turtle”.

We looked at each other – and we laughed. How crazy was this? We had sold all our possessions, quit our apartment and jobs and now the whole world lay in front of our feet!

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Trysil, Thailand or Tirol – or maybe Turkey?

Reading time: Approx. 4 min.

Sometimes the world is too crazy!

A day in November we were almost giving up and had lost faith in finding seasonal work for the winter (so we can make money to travel) – after all, it was soon the start of the season – and two days later we stood with three dream scenarios in our hands, and had to choose from the following:

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