From two to three on Turtle tour

A lot has happened in our lives since our last post a little over two years ago, when we announced that we had split up.

As some of you know, we’re back together again. And even more.
We also drive around in Turtle again from time to time. And then we got company ….!

1.5 months ago we had an experience that made us consider whether it was time for an update here on; We were spending the night in Turtle on a roadside by the lake “Damhussøen” in Copenhagen, when a friendly woman came and knocked on the door to offer us to fetch water, borrow a toilet, wash clothes, etc. from her. She lived right next to us, and had (naturally enough) wondered who was outside her house – and because the website is written on the car, she had figured out who we were.

Therefore, now we think it’s appropriate to update the page – and you who read along – to our current situation: It is still the two of us, Morten and Mette, who drive around in Turtle – and now also with an extra passenger – namely our son, Sebastian, whom we became parents to 3.5 months ago.

On a trip in Turtle – now with a pram.

However, this announcement is not the start of a new serial where we will continuously make announcements as we did when we lived permanently in Turtle in 2017-2019.
We won’t deny that we’ll do that again later on, or in any other way tell about our experiences to those who will follow. But for now, we really ‘just’ want to enjoy the small moments in our everyday lives without spending time and energy sharing posts with the outside world.

Therefore this is just a single update for you who encounter us out in the countryside or visit our website and social media: It is still us who are driving around in Turtle. And now also with a pram!

If you see us somewhere in the world, then you’re more than welcome to come and say hello! And if you are sitting out there, curious about our lifestyle and would like to know more, just let us know. We’re still very happy to answer questions and also to tell openly and honestly about our experiences, good and bad, to you who are interested.

We wish you a really good day out there!

Kind regards M&M

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