Reading time: approx. 6 minutes
“What does a website and social media activities have to do with disconnecting and trying to live the simple life?” one might ask.
In this – our very first – blog post for you out there on the big internet, we will try to put some words on our thoughts about creating – and in our next blog post, we’ll tell you about our thoughts about Turtle Time and choosing to live in a car in general. Later on we will add new blog posts on the website at uneven intervals when we think we have something worth sharing with you. We hope you’ll like it and read along. It’s made for you. Enjoy 🙂
Well … where should we begin?
[Right now we are sitting in the sun next to Turtle talking about what to write here. I (Morten) am sitting with my legs crossed with the ipad in front of me on my sleepingpad while Mette is next to me coloring drawings and talking with me about the blog post. Geographically, we are in a small green space down to ‘Flyndersø’ on the large, extensive, heather-purple moor a little south of Skive. We are all alone, surrounded by trees to all sides and here’s a wonderful silence and the most beautiful light blue sky above!]
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And then why a website?
Because we believe that there are others who find the things we are doing interesting and inspiring. We actually experience that already. And we love to inspire! (For the same reason, we’ll do everything we can to fill all the corners of the website with inspiring photos).
There are probably just as many who think we are crazy, but just let them 🙂
We’ve already after just 2,5 months in the car, received a lot of interest from people we meet, when we arrive to new places, and who ask many good questions. Some of the questions are often heard (e.g. How do you earn money?) And we would like to give you, who meet us at the internet, the opportunity to learn more about the same things as we tell to the people we meet in real life. Maybe we should actually create a FAQ one day;)
In addition, the website is a more regular and practical supplement to our facebook page, with contact info and the place where you can ‘get behind the scenes’, see how to book us for presentations, borrow Turtle etc.
The internet gives a voice to everybody who wants it, and we are often inspired by books, articles, blog posts, websites etc. (See a selection here). And we feel that we have also something to tell. Something we think that others can also find value in. For example, we often talk about big and small existential questions, and often we say to each other afterwards that it could have turned into a really good blog post.
But not because we want to be preachers for a particular lifestyle. Or to present ourselves as idols or someone who lives the happy glamor life free from obligations. On the contrary. With, our Facebook page, presentations etc., it is extremely important to give an honest picture of our good and difficult moments and not to point fingers of other ways to live life. We just want to tell you about the way to live the life that we’ve come across that suits us where we’ve reached in our life, and it’s up to you readers to assess if there’s some of this, you can use.
[To you who are still reading along: Now the sun has just disappeared behind the trees and it has therefore become too cool to continue this writing outside. We’ll go inside Turtle now and continue writing there – while Mette boils water for pasta]
Mette has also experienced how much others can learn from reading personal stories and it has certainly also affected us. After having published her book ‘A free bird’ in 2015, describing her time with an eating disorder and subsequently sharing her personal thoughts on her website, she has received (long) emails from readers who thank her for her openness and that it has made a difference for them to read about Mette’s life, thoughts and reflections.
At the same time, we also have a dream. A dream to make this lifestyle our vocation. For example through sponsorships, presentations, online services etc., which require a public / online presence, so let’s try it out, to see if the dream is also something for us in practice. We live in a time with many other opportunities for earning money than a permanent job, and we would like to try that out. It takes time, patience and practice, so we might just as well try it out (it’s now done).
[And now Mette has finished the food – perfect timing! (Today, the menu consists of a mixed salad made of vegetables found in a dumpster, pasta, canned corn and tuna, pesto and dressing, and one roasted sausage bread, also from the dumpsterdiving). Bon appetite!]
With, we hope to make it easy for you to let yourselves inspire by the things we do. We would be happy to help you if you have any questions or considerations that looks like ours. And do you have any ideas for the website or other online activities where we can include you or where you can challenge us, we would also like to hear from you!
Thank you for reading this. Perhaps one day we’ll see you on the country roads?